Saturday, November 12, 2005

(houston -> dc) happy birthday, Bahá'u'lláh!

i cut my trip short...

oh man

i'm laughing out loud

little typos can be so funny...

as i was typing that first sentence,
i originally typed,
"i cut my shit"

bbwaaa haa haa


i cut my trip short so that i could make it back for the celebration of the Birthday of Bahá'u'lláh that the members of my study circle had planned for the DC community. i was torn because it meant missing the deerhoof show that justin had tickets to. the baha'i center was packed, and it seemed to make a difference to people that i was there. kat and i sang the prayer for the southern states and the other members of the study circle told stories from Bahá'u'lláh's life (without reading). there was lots of food and a great spirit. i wore my green dress and my red hair. the deerhoof concert would have been great too...but there are only so many great things one can do at one time, and usually one can only do them in one city at a time. i hope to have another opportunity to see deerhoof. but i'm glad i came home. i like it here. i enjoy less and less being away from home. i don't want to travel much anymore. i would like the world to come to me, please. thanks. god bless.


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