Thursday, October 20, 2005

(dc->houston->vancouver) step 1

they say the first step is admitting you have a problem.

admission: i have a problem with overcommitment.

as a solution to this problem, i will be going into hibernation for one or two months (or as long as it takes) as soon as i return from vancouver. here is what i will be working on finishing (simultaneously - equal priority):

CD Projects:

* Devon Gundry - Top of My Lungs - acoustic solo gtr rock EP - Baha'i devotions
- Mixing
- production
* Devon Gundry - (no title yet) - full production rock CD
- recording
- mixing
- production
* Bosch Baha'i Bluegrass Band - (no title yet) - bluegrass Baha'i devotions
- recording (almost finished)
- mixing
- production
* Just Kat - (no title yet) - Rock/alt folk/jazz Baha'i devotions
- recording (almost finished)
- performing (almost finished)
- mixing
- production
* Andy Sperandeo - (no title yet) - rock/jazz original songs
- recording (finished, i hope)
- mixing (almost finished, i hope)
- production (almost finished, i hope)
* Ruhi Book 2 CD project - (no title yet) - compilation rock/jazz/folk Baha'i devotions
- recording
- mixing
- producing
- managing
* The Trophymen - (title?) - rock (Duncan's band)
- recording (they're mostly recording it themselves in my studio)
- mixing (will just be helping them mix)
- tiny bit of production, but they're mostly doing production themselves too
* The Angry Taints - (title?) - punk
- recording (finished)
- mixing
- production
* Baha'i Youth Congress 2005 - Washington DC
- live sound

Music Production coursework at Berklee
* Desktop Music Production (using Logic and Reason)
* Producing using Protools (where is the link to this? weird...)

Work projects
* paper: "Improved infrared optical properties of dust suspended in the Mars atmosphere" (results of Ph.D. work using Mariner 9 IRIS data - short Geophysical Research Letters paper)
* paper: publishing new optical constants from MGS TES data
* paper: analysis of aerosol properties using combined Odyssey THEMIS, TES, and Mars Exploration Rover mini-TES data
* new work: getting involved with MRO's CRISM
* science co-investigator: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter's Diviner experiment
* skills: refresh FORTRAN, IDL, learn new in-house plotting programs and data archiving systems

* spiritual discipline: personal music and prayer/meditation
* flexibility and strength: yoga
* minimize travel


Blogger 357martini said...

Bahai blue grass.....what if ya play it backwards ya get yer karma back....yer good old life back ....yer dog returns...deconstructed postmodernism is revealing spooky optics

21/10/05 7:15 PM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

bluegrass ain't country, darlin'.

mmmmm spooky optics.

21/10/05 7:24 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

What are you doing in Vancouver? And that's your idea of a response to this issue of overcommitment??

22/10/05 3:36 AM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

well, response to overcommitment is to buckle down and finish what i've committed to, without getting myself into situations where i take on any new things. this is harder than it seems like it should be.

take, for instance, my recent trip to boston, where i went just to attend a conference and instead ended up doing sound all weekend and then starting to entertain the idea of moving to vancouver at some point to do music production in a new studio that my new friend is building. that's why i'm here now (in vancouver) and not home working on all these projects. fortunately, now that i bought my mbox, i can work on them while traveling. but you'll notice one of the things under "life" is to stop traveling. aye, i think (hope?) this is my last trip for quite a while.

22/10/05 3:56 AM  
Blogger rebecca said...

Wow...I just don't know if it'll be the same having you in the country all the time. Does the president know about this?

23/10/05 2:09 AM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

i'd like to report that most of these projects were completed in 2006 except the scientific publications, which i'm still working on.

it's nice to look back on this and realize that i actually finished some things.

23/1/07 12:10 AM  

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