Tuesday, November 15, 2005

(dc) i'm all blogged out

i dunno what it is. so much is happening, yet i'm feeling all blogged out, like none of it is really interesting enough to share with the world. but i should at least try. a friend wrote me from amsterdam and said she appreciated my frequent updates and that reading people's blogs made her feel more connected to home. so, for this reason i will try to be more diligent again.

let's see...where was i?

i will definitely go back and fill in my recent houston trip because this "feature" i've included in my blog wherein i indicate my location has proven to be the most useful thing to me. the second most useful, as it turns out, is the picture of my spunky toyota that i posted a few months ago, as today i needed to order a replacement window for the one that someone kindly smashed out so they could steal my detachable stereo face (but not the stereo itself), and i couldn't quite remember what the car looked like. the previous runon sentence is dedicated to justin.

i am gearing up for a new photo essay. at some point when i was at NASA JSC i did a photo essay (i can't remember if i posted it here) of the 25 or so safety-related messages posted between my office and the bathroom in building 31. my next photo-essay is going to give you all a taste of the kinds of things one sees while walking from the front door of my building to my office. there really are endless minutes of entertainment there. they will give you a tiny window into the culture of NASA astrophysicists. i might also include sound clips, if any jump out at me.

lots of exciting things are happening on the music front, but i can't really talk about them yet. stay tuned.

more tomorrow, promise.


Blogger rebecca said...

where do I go to find the last photo essay?

15/11/05 9:40 PM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

i'm fairly certain i never posted it. i might have just sent the photos to justin. but they're probably on a disk somewhere. or maybe they're stuck in my stupid nokia phone that won't turn on. do you have any way to retrieve the data off my broken nokia phone, O goddess of the handheld devices?

15/11/05 9:59 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

well, if the data on the phone was on the expansion card in the slot under the battery, then I am fairly certain you can just load it onto another phone. bring it with you this direction sometime and we'll see what we can do.

21/11/05 12:54 AM  

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