Saturday, November 13, 2004

(houston) work ethic

halfway through this 4-day weekend, and i feel cured of my work-related-malaise. i'm fully over feeling burned out and tired of nasa and its ways. i'm ready to go back on monday morning and work on all the things that have been suffering from my lack of interest in them. miraculously, a newfound enthusiasm has gripped me. one of my friends, a true role model of mine, says that his goal is to have 10 productive hours of science a week. that doesn't sound like a lot, but it's surprising how many people even get that much real work in, between travel, writing proposals, keeping up with emails, dealing with administravia, sitting in meetings, and chatting in the halls with coworkers. so i'm going to do the same, with the goal of having two rough drafts of scientific papers done before the new year. i know i should set realistic goals, but i'm feeling ambitious.


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