Monday, November 08, 2004

(friendswood) the way weekends should be

i am really getting used to this weekend thing. only now, in my advanced age, am i giving myself the gift of weekends at home with nothing much planned. it's delicious and indulgent. i don't reckon it will last for long, but for now, i'm living it up. let's there was jumping on the trampoline and watching justin try to swim in the frigid pool waters. then there was some shopping at the mall (ok, this part wasn't very enjoyable, but sometimes it must be done). there was mexican food at morenos, which offers free softserve ice cream cones after your meal. there was measuring the distance around the runway to see how far we are walking every evening - 1.5 miles! then the walks themselves at night around the loop. i dance while justin walks. i also try to avoid his punches. and then there is the mixing of tenses and sloppy grammar. and there was the watching of 'the three kings' and 'the graduate,' neither of which i had seen and both of which justin was reminded when we saw 'i heart huckabees' saturday night. (by the way, i thought 'i heart huckabees' was brilliant. i'd like to see it again.) and saturday afternoon there was croquet in the park with jo and celeste and all the cool kids. not to brag or anything (ok, to brag), justin and i kicked some major butt at croquet. and finally, there was the making of ginger pomegranate muffins, which turned out OK.

mmmmm great weekend.


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