Sunday, March 05, 2006

(dc - fast 4) try a baseball bat! that should kill it!

maybe it's true what they say about eating just before sleeping causing bad dreams. i didn't quite make it to bed by 9 last night. i was a little wound up from rearranging the studio. it was a big job and i didn't finish, so it was hard to give up and sleep. i started going to sleep around 10:30, but i decided i was hungry and the honey i'd been eating wasn't quite hitting the spot. so i gulped down a burrito and then went to sleep.

i have one of these "energy efficient" all-in-one washing machine/dryer things. it uses condensation rather than air flow to dry the clothes, meaning that it doesn't blow air through and vent it out. instead, it heats up the clothes and then condenses the evaporation and drains the water. i don't know in what way it's supposed to be more efficient because it takes more than 6 hours to do a VERY small load of laundry. it certainly isn't efficient for me. i can't do laundry while i'm working in the studio, which is what i'm doing most of the time i'm home.

anyway, last night i decided to be efficient and run this laundry machine while going to sleep (to try and make progress on the 9 loads of laundry (that would be 4 loads in human years but yes, that's 54-60 hours of laundry here, for anyone that cares) that has collected in the last 2 weeks). it was a struggle to go to sleep because of the noise - this thing is REALLY loud - but, finally, with the help of earplugs, i was able to do it. around 1:30 i woke up from a really frustrating (almost terrifying) nightmare about this washing machine that no one could turn off. we would unplug it and smash it and think we'd finally killed it, but it would come back on every time. when i woke up, the ear plugs were on the table and my dryer was still going in its irritating intervals (about every 10 or 15 seconds it switches tumble directions and drains the water, which is really loud).

i got up and turned the dryer off and went back to sleep. i don't think i'll be trying either of those tricks again.


Blogger rebecca said...

I think it's time to visit a laundromat. Long term, you might want to choose a less efficient machine. Either that or vow to do at least a load of laundry every day and a half. and if you really want to make it work, you'll learn how to wear darks and lights strategically.

5/3/06 11:14 PM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

my solution was just to buy more socks and underwear. that seems to have reduced some of the laundry-induced-trauma. the trick, i think, will just be to run the machine when i'm not home. this isn't really a good practice in principle, but i think it's the only real sustainable solution.

6/3/06 12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, what I want to know is, where was the bat when you awoke?

7/3/06 4:36 PM  

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