Friday, March 03, 2006

(dc - fast 2) dude. sleep.

the key to feeling good during the fast (or anytime, really) is getting enough sleep. at new year when we were all going around the room discussing our goals for the year, one of mine was to get enough sleep. our culture almost depends on people being sleep-deprived. i know my life, as i had previously designed it, required me to be sleep-deprived - too many things crammed into each day. so this is really no easy thing, since "enough" for me is 8-9 hours a night (!), and that means totally re-designing my life. since january i've gotten rid of my alarm clock except on days when it's really critical that i wake up at a certain time. on average, i think i've gotten 7-8 hours of sleep this year, though, and i feel better than ever.

but this cuts out a huge chunk of time for doing things, mostly at a time when everyone else is doing things. especially during the fast. a 9:30 bedtime is hard to maintain when people are calling and texting until after midnight. you'd think the solution would be just to turn off the phone. but the phone is the alarm, and i'm not yet confident that, even if i go to sleep at 9:30, i'll wake up at 5:30.

bla bla bla. this is a boring post. but.... dude. sleep. it's a beautiful thing and it can make or break a day.


Blogger rebecca said...

I TOTALLY disagree. this is not a boring post. in fact, it hits at the very core of the most challenging issue in life for me, which is sleep. for you, 8-9 hours is optimal. for me it's about 11-12. I miss out on so much of life and productivity because I'm either operating sleep deprived and grumpy or sleeping when I could be doing or enjoying other things. it's depressing.

3/3/06 1:50 PM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

well...11-12 hours is pretty far off-nominal. is there any way to do some experiments with the various things you have to put in your body? like go ahead and give yourself all the time you need for sleep (i know this is next to impossible with nikolai...but...) and then try to see if eliminating caffiene or other things might reduce the amount of sleep you need? i bet if you actually got to sleep even a real 8 hours a night, you'd feel miraculously better. sounds to me that you're lucky if you get 5 hours of consecutive sleep?

3/3/06 1:56 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

yeah. I noticed that it goes down to something like 8-10 (8 is ok for a few weeks, then I need to catch up) if I'm not taking some of my necessary medications :(

5/3/06 1:59 AM  

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