Wednesday, February 16, 2005

(dc) please don't ignore the smiling man

i felt bad this morning as the commuters ahead of me actively ignored the smiling man who held out copies of the washington express and offered them his cheerful good morning. as i passed, i took a copy and met his eyes and smiled extra big for him, then hurried down the escalator. through the tunnel i could hear my train arriving, so i ran to the stile and shoved my card into the slot. the readout instructed me to see the station attendant, and i tried again with growing panic as my train stood below me, doors open. with frustration and dismay, i took my card to the attendant while my train left the station. apparently, it handn't registered my last exit (which might explain the bruises on my hips). now with the extra time on my hands, i couldn't help going back out to the smiling man. i had to know whether the washington express pays him extra (or requires him) to be so cheerful and kind, despite the indifference and grumpiness towards him. he said he was just treating people the way he'd want to be treated. i told him that his smile and his good morning a highlight of my day that i looked forward to and could count on, thanked him, and then went back down to wait for the next green line train to l'enfant plaza.


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