Thursday, February 10, 2005

(dc) out of commission

this no-internet-at-home thing is intolerable. being down with the flu is bad enough. but not being able to do anything else adds insult to injury. i'm way over my daytime minutes quota for bluetooth cell dialup, 60 of them having been used yesterday trying to download one email message with a 2 mb attachment. theoretically, i'm supposed to have a dialtone today on my new verizon line, but dsl won't be working for 8 more business days. grr.

i've decided to postpone my trip home for one week in favor of survival. the nice people at penske said i even have "one free postponement left." isn't that great? so if my health situation deteriorates even more next week, i have an out. thank god my plane ticket home is a govt ticket and infinitely changeable.

i've had 4 people today independently call and offer to bring me (vegetarian or figurative) chicken soup. i didn't take them up on it because i wouldn't forgive myself if they came down with this nastiness, but i feel cared for and part of a community here. it's something that never quite materialized in houston (probably because i was away so much, not because there aren't really wonderful people there). instead i ordered takeout thai coconut lemongrass vegetable soup and green curry from the place downstairs. that was a little ambitious. i ate the soup and the curry's in the fridge.


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