(dc) all i need
what sets me apart from, oh, say 99.99999999986% of the world's population (assuming 7 billion people) is this kind of thing that i do:
tonight on my quick trip from the studio to the house to pick up my laptop, i was listening to radiohead's "all i need" from their new record (ok, obsessively over and over again). once in a while i'll listen to weird fishes but mostly i can't get enough of this one song. it *is* all i seem to need right now. .:. anyway, as i was waiting on U st to turn into my alleyway, i noticed that my left turn signal was exactly in time with the song. i love when this happens, but it's almost never exactly in time, so the joy usually ends quickly as they start to go out of phase. sometimes i enjoy the phasing. eventually i had to turn because there were cars behind me, but by the time i turned the blinker still hadn't gone out of phase. i had to do further testing, so when i pulled into the alleyway, i turned the signal on again. totally phase locked. these are rare joys for me. ignoring the fact that i live in a rather dangerous alleyway, pulled into my spot up against the white brick wall, turned the volume up, the lights off, and the blinker on so i could watch the wall light up and go black in time with the music, just as the song was climaxing.
these are the little things that light up my life and make me happy. and these are the things i miss when i drive cars without stereos.
ok, maybe i'm not alone...thanks, commenter from bangkok! this is an awesome commercial!
Just in case you haven't seen this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=z7iaM82P8bE
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