Tuesday, May 01, 2007

(dc) blue moon

A colleague at HQ sends out these little tidbits every month or so. I like them.

"The full moon in May is known as the Flower Moon, as flowers are abundant everywhere during this time. Other names include the Full Corn Planting Moon or the Milk Moon. The Moon will be opposite the Sun at 6:09 a.m. EDT on May 2, and will appear full from Tuesday through Thursday.

On average, a full moon occurs every 29.5 days. This means that about every three years there is a month that has two full Moons. One definition of a "Blue Moon" is the second full Moon in a month. This year, May has two full moons, so a Blue Moon occurs on May 31 at 9:04 p.m. EDT. Other definitions of a "Blue Moon" include a very rare event, the third full Moon in a quarter year that has four full Moons (instead of the usual three), and when the Moon (not necessarily full) appears unusually blue, often due to dust or smoke in the atmosphere (such as after a volcanic eruption or major forest fire)."

This month is special. It's time for the blue moon! All those things that happen once in a blue moon will be happening soon.

Soon soon, blue moon!


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