Thursday, February 24, 2005

(dc) hello from nasa

i finally made it physically into work today. i'm still trying to catch up. it will take weeks, if not months. there's a very large box in my office that i have not opened all day. i could fit in this box. i wish it was a clone of me that would pop out and start doing my work for me.

i've just tried to catch you up on the last few days. this coming weekend promises to be more of the same. i leave tomorrow to go back to houston to pack up the rest of my things and move them to storage. i won't have access to the truck till 5pm saturday night, though, and my flight back to dc is sunday morning.

this concludes the formal catch-up portion of this blog. this is more for my benefit than yours (obviously - sorry, this has been incredibly boring, i'm sure), so that i can refer back next year when i'm doing my taxes and remember when i was where (and why). this is always the hardest part of tax season, and i'm hoping this blog will lead to an ameliorated process.


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