Friday, December 10, 2004

(LA) i love LA

the first thing i usually do when i get to CA is go to taco bell and order one or more cheese quesadillas with green sauce. you see, they don't seem to have green sauce at taco bells anywhere else in the country outside this state. mmmmmm LA cuisine.

second thing i do is fluff up my hairdo and put on some fresh make-up. cuz...well...everyone knows that looking good is priority one in LA. even more so in Malibu.

we may, perchance, get to see jon brion tonight at Largo, where he plays every Friday night.

today was a day of exceptional beauty and splendor in Los Angeles. i'm told they haven't had a nice day in weeks. lucky me. i celebrated this by sitting inside all day logging HD footage at earthship productions.


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