Saturday, June 25, 2005

(dc y1 174 p 7) update on south

hi. this is mostly for my not-so-kind-but-it-turns-out-probably-right reader who proposed that it was very selfish of me to leave town when i suspected something was wrong with south. when i returned yesterday, her condition had visibly worsened. whereas she was acting completely normal when i left, she was now hobbling around, tail down, moving slowly, not able to sit normally and looking like she was in pain. i did some research on the net, and realized that she had probably been having anal sac problems. i slung her in the cat carrier over my shoulder this morning and we headed to the dupont veterinary clinic. they were able to see her even without an appointment. they think she has a ruptured anal gland - there is a big swollen mass next to her tail. she wouldn't let the doctor do an anal exam, and they didn't have time to do the full biopsy/surgery today, so they gave her some antibiotics and another medicine and sent us home. we're to do warm compresses all weekend and the pills. she managed on the way home to vomit up the pills they gave her at the vet, so we'll have to try again tonight. we made another appointment for monday so they can check up on it and operate if necessary.

if i had taken her in a week or so ago, the gland might not have ruptured. so, dear reader, you can say i told you so, or heap additional abuse of your choice on me. but i already feel horrible. in the end, i'm sure she'll be fine - these things are fully treatable. it's just going to cost us. pain, suffering, and financial burden.


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